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Nuclei Features


  • HTTP | DNS | TCP | FILE support
  • Fully configurable templates.
  • Large scale scanning.
  • Out of band based detections.
  • Easily write your own templates.

Nuclei Installation

GO111MODULE=on go get -v


Nuclei require latest GO version to install successfully.

brew install nuclei


Supported in macOS (or Linux)

docker pull projectdiscovery/nuclei:latest
git clone; \
cd nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei; \
go build; \
mv nuclei /usr/local/bin/; \
nuclei -version;


Nuclei require the latest GO version to install successfully.


  • Download the latest binary for your OS.
  • Unzip the binary with tar -xzvf nuclei-*.tar.gz

Template Download

Nuclei templates can be downloaded and update using the update-templates flag of nuclei, which downloads the latest release from Nuclei templates GitHub project, a community-curated list of templates that are ready to use.

nuclei -update-templates


update-templates flag download/pulls the latest release from, that does not include recently added templates in the master branch.


Writing your own unique templates will always keep you one step ahead of others.

Nuclei Usage

nuclei -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

nuclei -h
Flag                                   Description                                                 
-------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------
-H, -header value                      Custom Header.
-biid, -burp-collaborator-biid string  Burp Collaborator BIID
-bs, -bulk-size int                    Maximum Number of hosts analyzed in parallel per template (default 25)
-c, -concurrency int                   Maximum Number of templates executed in parallel (default 10)
-config string                         Nuclei configuration file
-de, -disk-export string               Directory on disk to export reports in markdown to
-debug                                 Debugging request and responses
-debug-req                             Debugging request
-debug-resp                            Debugging response
-et, -exclude value                    Templates to exclude, supports single and multiple templates using directory.
-etags, -exclude-tags value            Exclude templates with the provided tags
-headless                              Enable headless browser based templates support
-impact, -severity value               Templates to run based on severity, supports single and multiple severity.
-irr, -include-rr                      Write requests/responses for matches in JSON output
-interactions-cache-size int           Number of requests to keep in interactions cache (default 5000)
-interactions-cooldown-period int      Extra time for interaction polling before exiting (default 5)
-interactions-eviction int             Number of seconds to wait before evicting requests from cache (default 60)
-interactions-poll-duration int        Number of seconds before each interaction poll request (default 5)
-interactsh-url string                 Interactsh Server URL (default
-json                                  Write json output to files
-l, -list string                       List of URLs to run templates on
-metrics                               Expose nuclei metrics on a port
-metrics-port int                      Port to expose nuclei metrics on (default 9092)
-nc, -no-color                         Disable colors in output
-nt, -new-templates                    Only run newly added templates
-nm, -no-meta                          Don't display metadata for the matches
-no-interactsh                         Do not use interactsh server for blind interaction polling
-o, -output string                     File to write output to (optional)
-page-timeout int                      Seconds to wait for each page in headless (default 20)
-passive                               Enable Passive HTTP response processing mode
-project                               Use a project folder to avoid sending same request multiple times
-project-path string                   Use a user defined project folder, temporary folder is used if not specified but enabled
-proxy-socks-url string                URL of the proxy socks server
-proxy-url string                      URL of the proxy server
-r, -resolvers string                  File containing resolver list for nuclei
-rl, -rate-limit int                   Maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
-rc, -report-config string             Nuclei Reporting Module configuration file
-rdb, -report-db string                Local Nuclei Reporting Database (Always use this to persistent report data)
-retries int                           Number of times to retry a failed request (default 1)
-show-browser                          Show the browser on the screen
-si, -stats-interval int               Number of seconds between each stats line (default 5)
-silent                                Show only results in output
-spm, -stop-at-first-path              Stop processing http requests at first match (this may break template/workflow logic)
-stats                                 Display stats of the running scan
-system-resolvers                      Use system dns resolving as error fallback
-t, -templates value                   Templates to run, supports single and multiple templates using directory.
-tags value                            Tags to execute templates for
-u, -target string                     URL to scan with nuclei
-tv, -templates-version                Shows the installed nuclei-templates version
-timeout int                           Time to wait in seconds before timeout (default 5)
-tl                                    List available templates
-trace-log string                      File to write sent requests trace log
-ud, -update-directory string          Directory storing nuclei-templates (default /root/nuclei-templates)
-ut, -update-templates                 Download / updates nuclei community templates
-v, -verbose                           Show verbose output
-version                               Show version of nuclei
-w, -workflows value                   Workflows to run for nuclei

Running Nuclei

Nuclei templates can be executed in multiple ways, currently using tags, templates, severity and workflows.

Running nuclei with templates

Templates flag is used to provide template file or/and directory, single or multiple templates or directory can be used using multiple t flag inputs.

Running nuclei with single template

nuclei -t exposures/configs/git-config.yaml -l urls.txt

Running nuclei with template directory

nuclei -t cves/2021/ -l urls.txt

Running nuclei with multiple template directory

nuclei -t cves/2020/ -t exposed-tokens -t misconfiguration -l urls.txt
Running nuclei using tags

Tags can be used for template execution with or without the need of template directory/flag, if templates/t flag is used with tags, the tags will be applied on the particular template directory, otherwise, it will run all the templates with matched tag from default template download location ($HOME/nuclei-templates/).

Running nuclei with single tags

nuclei -tags cve -l urls.txt
nuclei -tags network -l urls.txt
nuclei -tags logs -l urls.txt

Running nuclei with tags along with directory

nuclei -tags config -t exposures/ -l urls.txt

Running nuclei with multiple tags

nuclei -tags lfi,ssrf,rce -t cves/ -l urls.txt
nuclei -tags xss -t vulnerabilities/ -l urls.txt ````

Running nuclei with workflows

Workflows are the best possible way to manage and run multiple templates using a single workflow file for custom and dedicated workflow depending on the project and test case.

Running nuclei with workflow

nuclei -w workflows/wordpress-workflow.yaml -l wordpress_urls.txt

Running nuclei with multiple workflow

nuclei -w workflows/wordpress-workflow.yaml -w workflows/jira-workflow.yaml -l urls.txt
Running nuclei with severity

Severity flag is used to run templates with specific or multiple severities altogether.

Running nuclei with single severity

nuclei -t cves/ -severity critical -l urls.txt

Running nuclei with multiple severity

nuclei -t cves/ -t vulnerabilities -severity critical,high -l urls.txt
Running nuclei with docker

Running nuclei in docker container

echo | docker run -v $HOME/nuclei-templates:/root/nuclei-templates -i projectdiscovery/nuclei:v2.3.0 -t dns > output.txt


Nuclei accept URLs as input format in order to execute HTTP templates.


httpx can be used to generate URLs from subdomains as a input for nuclei.

Rate Limits

Nuclei have multiple rate limit controls for multiple factors, including a number of templates to execute in parallel, a number of hosts to be scanned in parallel for each template, and the global number of request / per second you wanted to make/limit using nuclei, here is an example of each flag with description.

Flag Description
rate-limit Control the total number of request to send per seconds
bulk-size Control the number of hosts to process in parallel for each template
c Control the number of templates to process in parallel

Feel free to play with these flags to tune your nuclei scan speed and accuracy.


rate-limit flag takes precedence over the other two flags, the number of requests/seconds can't go beyond the value defined for rate-limit flag regardless the value of c and bulk-size flag.

Traffic Tagging

Many BugBounty platform/programs/ requires you to identify the HTTP traffic you make, this can be achieved by setting custom header using config file at $HOME/.config/nuclei/config.yaml or CLI flag -H / header

Setting custom header using config file

# Headers to include with each request.
  - 'X-BugBounty-Hacker: h1/geekboy'
  - 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) / nuclei'

Setting custom header using CLI flag

nuclei -header 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) / nuclei' -list urls.txt -tags cves

Template Exclusion

Nuclei supports multiple ways to exclude templates for the execution, as default nuclei excludes two type of templates.

Why nuclei-ignore?

To ensure templates that are not meant to be used for generic scan, including fuzzing, bruteforce, headless, templates that have severe impact, e.g., DOS.

Nuclei also support template exclusion at run time using -exclude and -exclude-tags flag.

exclude flag is used to exclude single/multiple templates and directory, multiple -exclude flag can be used to provide multiple values.

Running nuclei with single template exclusion

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -exclude cves/2020/CVE-2020-XXXX.yaml

Running nuclei with multiple template exclusion

nuclei -l urls.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -exclude exposed-panels/ -exclude technologies

exclude-tags flag is used to exclude templates with given tags, multiple tags can be excluded using comma separate values.

Running nuclei with single tags exclusion

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -etags xss

Running nuclei with multiple tags exclusion

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -etags sqli,rce

Nuclei Config


Since release of v.2.3.2 nuclei uses goflags for clean CLI experience and long/short formatted flags.

goflags comes with auto-generated config file support that coverts all available CLI flags into config file, basically you can define all CLI flags into config file to avoid repetitive CLI flags that loads as default for every scan of nuclei.

Default path of nuclei config file is $HOME/.config/nuclei/config.yaml, uncomment and configure the flags you wish to run as default.

Here is an example config file:-

# Headers to include with each request.
  - 'X-BugBounty-Hacker: h1/geekboy'
  - 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64)'

# Templates with tags to run
tags: rce,lfi

# Templates with tags to exclude
exclude-tags: info

# Templates to scan
  - cves/
  - vulnerabilities/
  - misconfiguration/

# Templates to exclude scan
  - vulnerabilities/xxx
  - misconfiguration/xxxx

# Rate limit configuration for scan
rate-limit: 500
bulk-size: 50
concurrency: 50

Once configured, config file be used as default, additionally custom config file can be also provided using -config flag.

Running nuclei with custom config file

nuclei -config project.yaml -list urls.txt

Nuclei Reporting

Nuclei comes with reporting module support with the release of v2.3.0 supporting GitHub, GitLab, and Jira integration, this allows nuclei engine to create automatic tickets on the supported platform based on found results.

Platform GitHub GitLab Jira Markdown

-rc, -report-config flag can be used to provide a config file to read configuration details of the platform to integrate. Here is an example config file for all supported platforms.

For example, to create tickets on GitHub, create a config file with the following content and replace the appropriate values:-

# Github contains configuration options for GitHub issue tracker

  username: "$user"
  owner: "$user"
  token: "$token"
  project-name: "testing-project"
  issue-label: "Nuclei"

Running nuclei with reporting module:-

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -rc issue-tracker.yaml

Similarly, other platforms can be configured. Reporting module also supports basic filtering and duplicate checks to avoid duplicate ticket creation.

  severity: high,critical

This will ensure to only creating tickets for issues identified with high and critical severity; similarly, deny-list can be used to exclude issues with a specific severity.

If you are running periodic scans on the same assets, you might want to consider -rdb, -report-db flag that creates a local copy of the valid findings in the given directory utilized by reporting module to compare and create tickets for unique issues only.

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -rc issue-tracker.yaml -rdb prod

Markdown Export

Nuclei supports markdown export of valid findings with -de, -disk-export flag, this flag takes directory as input to store markdown formatted reports.

Including request/response in the markdown report is optional, and included when -irr, -include-rr flag is used along with -de.

nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -irr -disk-export reports

Scan Metrics

Nuclei expose running scan metrics on a local port 9092 when -metrics flag is used and can be accessed at localhost:9092/metrics, default port to exposes scan information is configurable using -metrics-port flag.

Here is an example to query metrics while running nuclei as following nuclei -t cves/ -l urls.txt -metrics

curl -s localhost:9092/metrics | jq .
  "duration": "0:00:03",
  "errors": "2",
  "hosts": "1",
  "matched": "0",
  "percent": "99",
  "requests": "350",
  "rps": "132",
  "startedAt": "2021-03-27T18:02:18.886745+05:30",
  "templates": "256",
  "total": "352"

Code Contribution

Nuclei templates are the base of the nuclei project. We appreciate it if you can write and submit new templates to keep this project alive, and one of the reasons to keep us motivated to keep working on this project.


Nuclei is distributed under MIT License.