Helper Functions
Helper functions¶
Here is the list of all supported helper functions can be used in the RAW requests / Network requests.
Helper function | Description | Example |
len | Length of a string | len("Hello") |
toupper | String to uppercase | toupper("Hello") |
tolower | String to lowercase | tolower("Hello") |
replace | Replace string parts | replace("Hello", "He", "Ha") |
replace_regex | Replace string parts with regex | replace_regex("test", "regextomach", "replacewith") |
trim | Remove trailing unicode chars | trim("aaaHelloddd", "ad") |
trimleft | Remove unicode chars from left | trimleft("aaaHelloddd", "ad") |
trimright | Remove unicode chars from right | trimleft("aaaHelloddd", "ad") |
trimspace | Remove trailing spaces | trimspace(" Hello ") |
trimprefix | Trim specified prefix | trimprefix("aaHelloaa", "aa") |
trimsuffix | Trim specified suffix | trimsuffix("aaHelloaa", "aa") |
reverse | Reverse the string | reverse("ab") |
base64 | Encode string to base64 | base64("Hello") |
base64_py | Encode string to base64 like python (with new lines) | base64_py("Hello") |
base64_decode | Decode string from base64 | base64_decode("SGVsbG8=") |
url_encode | URL encode a string | url_encode("hxxps://") |
url_decode | URL decode a string | url_decode("") |
hex_encode | Hex encode a string | hex_encode("aa") |
hex_decode | Hex decode a string | hex_decode("6161") |
html_escape | HTML escape a string | html_escape("test") |
html_unescape | HTML unescape a string | html_unescape("<body>test</body>") |
md5 | Calculate md5 of string | md5("Hello") |
sha256 | Calculate sha256 of string | sha256("Hello") |
sha1 | Calculate sha1 of string | sha1("Hello") |
mmh3 | Calculate mmh3 of string | mmh3("Hello") |
contains | Verify if a string contains another one | contains("Hello", "lo") |
regex | Verify a regex versus a string | regex("H([a-z]+)o", "Hello") |
rand_char | Pick a random char among charset (optional, default letters and numbers) avoiding badchars (optional, default empty) | rand_char("charset", "badchars") |
rand_char | Pick a random sequence of length l among charset (optional, default to letters and numbers) avoiding badchars (optional, default empty) | rand_base(l, "charset", "badchars") |
rand_text_alphanumeric | Pick a random sequence of length l among letters and numbers avoiding badchars (optional) | rand_text_alphanumeric(l, "badchars") |
rand_text_alpha | Pick a random sequence of length l among letters avoiding badchars | rand_text_alpha(l, "charset") |
rand_text_numeric | Pick a random sequence of length l among numbers avoiding badchars | rand_text_numeric(l, "charset") |
rand_int | Pick a random integer between min and max | rand_int(min, max) |
waitfor | block the logic execution for x seconds | waitfor(10) |
collab | Checks if burp collaborator interactions contains a particular pattern | collab("") |